Downtown Union - Surgeon


Downtown Union - Surgeon

Verfügbarkeit : Vorschau

Produkt Nummer : 49132

Artikelnummer : AT039

Typ : Komplette Figuren

Nationalität : China

Zeitraum : Nebenprodukt

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Datum Verfügbarkeit : 2° quartal 2024
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Mehr Informationen

- One?1? head
- One?1? worldbox body
- Four?4? pairs of hands, natural hand, open hand, gun-holding hand, and object-holding hand
- Two?2? pairs of glove hands
- One?1? medical mask
- One?1? piece of surgical clothing
- One?1? dark blue suit top
- One?1? white shirt
- One?1? patterned tie
- One?1? pair of gray trousers
- One?1? suitcase that can be opened and closed in real terms
- One?1? blood bag
- One?1? syringe
- One?1? bottle of injection
- Two?2? fountain pens, different shapes
- One?1? electronic control key for the car
- One?1? white medicine bottle that can really open the cap
- Two?2? scalpels, different shapes
- Two?2? surgical scissors, different shapes
- One?1? pair of black leather shoes
- One?1? new type of bracket drawer, with figures corresponding to the environment patterns on the front and sides

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