US Navy seal soccom
Verfügbarkeit : Ausverkauft
Produkt Nummer : 660
Artikelnummer : HT-SPECT
EAN-Nummer : 3666793339061
Typ : Komplette Figuren
Nationalität : USA
Zeitraum : Moderne
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US Navy seal SPECTER SOCOM Combined Assault
Accessories : Woodland - Battle Dress Uniform (BDU) - Backpack - Woodland bonnie hat - Shemagh - Magazine pouches - Multi-purpose pouches - Drop leg pouch - Cover Buttpack - Pair of knee pads - Pair of elbow pads - Realistic gloves - Patch - Watch - OM Dive Knife and Secure Knife Sheath - Combat Diver Lanyard - ASTRO-SABER Radio - LASH II headset - Boots
Weapons : HK5 Sub Machine Gun with ITPIAL - M4A1 - Handgun
Limited edition to 1200 items